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Cookies enable us to identify you or your device. We use some cookies to enable you to move around the site and to provide some basic features. We use other cookies to improve the functionality of the website such as by storing preferences. We also use cookies to help us to improve the performance of our site and provide you with a better user experience.

If you visited this site via a country that requires us to display a notice about cookies you will have had to dismiss this notice, this dismissal of the notice would serve as you opting in to receive cookies. Navigating to any other page on the site would also serve as you opting in to receive cookies. If you continue without changing your settings, we'll assume that you are happy for us to use cookies on our site. However, if you would like to, you can change your cookie preferences at any time via your browser's settings.

You do not have to accept cookies to use the website. If you reject cookies, certain features or resources of the website may not work properly or at all and you may have a degraded experience.

Although most browsers are initially set to accept cookies, you can change your browser settings to notify you when you receive a cookie or to reject cookies generally.

Where possible the cookies we place on your computer are stored in a secure, tamper-proof way and are submitted over secure connections only.

You can opt out of cookies at any time, even after dismissing any notice we may have displayed to you. You can opt out of cookies by adjusting your browser settings.

Find out more about cookies.

Strictly Necessary Cookies

These cookies are essential in order to enable you to navigate between pages on the site.

Cookie nameWhat it's for

Enables us to associate data with your visit to the site, e.g. the date you've selected in a search, the properties you've looked at prior to enquiring, etc.

Functional cookies

These cookies help us to remember choices to save you time and enable additional site functionality.

login_email, agency_login_address

Remembering the details used to login to certain areas of the site.

Performance Cookies

These cookies help us to understand how people use our site.

Google AdWords

We may use the Google AdWords/DoubleClick advertising network. It stores cookies to measure the effictiveness of advertising campaigns. We may choose to use remarketing techniques to advertise our company across other websites you visit if you've visited our website at any point in the past.

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Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to track the performance of various areas of our site from a technical & business perspective.

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We use tools from Twitter to enable visitors to share content to Twitter.

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We use tools from Facebook to enable visitors to share content to Facebook.

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We use FullStory to record a sample of user sessions (minus sensitive details) for the purposes of making user experience better.

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