Terms and Conditions

Use of this website is done so in accordance to our terms & conditions, our privacy policy and our cookie policy.

Please be forewarned that it is possible to catch computer viruses by accessing a web page or by downloading or running an infected program. Whilst Little Upton has taken steps to ensure that the pages on this web site are free from infection, such is the nature of the Internet that no assurance can be given that the pages of this web site are indeed free from infection. It is a condition of us allowing you free access that Little Upton will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by any person accessing this web site or any third party resulting directly from the transmission of a computer virus resulting from the accessing of this web site.

Please note that the information available on this web site may be incomplete, out of date or incorrect. It is therefore essential that you verify all such information with us before taking any action in reliance upon it. It is a condition of us allowing you free access to the material on this web site that you accept that we will not be liable for any action you take in reliance on the information on this web site.

The contents of the pages on this web site are copyright Little Upton. The copying or incorporation into any other work or part or all of the material available on this web site in any form is prohibited save that you may: download extracts of the material on the site for your personal use; or: copy the material on the site for the purpose of sending to individual third parties for their personal information provided that you acknowledge us as the source of the material and that you inform the third party that these conditions apply to them and that they must comply with them.

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